The go-to weapon for the rogues is the dagger. Given the Scoundrel skills that allow cloaked teleportation ability, it is especially helpful to target ranged combatants the worst-case scenario is that they are forced to displace, sometimes costing the opportunity to shoot at the party, the best is that a threat has been completely eliminated. Try to focus down on enemies in isolation and those on the fringes, ideally disengaging and moving away from larger clusters of foes after the damage is done. While the Rogue does not typically excel in the center of a brawl, they are incredibly adept at picking targets and isolating them.

While heavy armor will never be particularly useful for the class, it does not hurt to make sure that the player can always access the finest light armor and stand up or themself in a head-on conflict. Strength, while not exceptionally relevant, can be helpful to beef up for some expanded carry capacity and the ability to get some heavier weapons. Wits is also worth dropping a few points into to amplify the already impressive critical damage of the Rogues, as well as ensuring an early initiative positioning to keep mobile. Constitution will be especially helpful to offset the lesser protection offered by light armor - while it should not be the key stat for the class, having a solid health pool to fall back on can buy the character enough time to get out of danger. Finesse is the governing ability of the Scoundrel skill tree, the central core abilities that make the Rogue effective, as well as boosting the damage on the lighter Finesse-based weapons that are best suited to the class. When divvying out Attribute points, it is wise to initially prioritize Finesse and Constitution. Digital D&D is a difficult goal by any measure, but Original Sin 2 manages to nail the feeling and fun, building on it with an incredible range of customization options.
It is especially impressive that the console port holds up against the PC original, maintaining the complexity with a suitably streamlined control structure. It adopts such staple TTRPG features as a broad range of abilities, endlessly customizable armor and attire, and a tone that carefully walks the line between high fantasy epic and goofball comedy (the natural endpoint for every Dungeons & Dragons campaign). It is not just that it is a turn-based fantasy game - those are by no means uncommon on the latest console generation Original Sin II fully captures some of the more niche and enjoyable traits from table-top RPG experiences. Though the situation may change with the release of Baldur's Gate 3, the closest one can get to having a full-fledged Dungeons & Dragons session on console is by playing Divinity: Original Sin 2.